University of Helsinki OpenReq Hackathon

Privacy policy

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This is a privacy policy in accordance to GDPR. Policy created and last modified on 26th of February 2019.

Register maintained by

Empirical Software Engineering

PL 68

00014 Helsingin yliopisto

The contact person in the issues concerning the register

Mikko Raatikainen

PL 68

00014 Helsingin yliopisto

Name of register

Hackathon participant registry

The purpose of handling the personal information

The personal information gathered are used to contact participants before and after the event and also to plan the catering.

Contents of register

  • Dietary restrictions
  • Email
  • Name

Regular data sources

Information given by the participants themselves.

Regular destinations of disclosed data

Information is not handed to third parties.

Data transfer outside EU and ETA

Information is not transferred outside EU or EEA.

Protection of the register

Information is protected with password and access is restricted to research group only.

Right of access

The participants have a right to check their information from the registry by sending email to the address above.

Correction of the data and bringing it into effect

The participants have a right to correct their information from the registry by sending email to the address above.

Other rights conserning the personal information handling

Information is held to a maximum of 3 months after the event, because the information is needed for post event communication after which the registry is emptied.