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ReNEW Workshop Funding
Application is addressed to Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World (ReNEW): An Excellence Hub in Research Education and Public Outreach
Participating universities: Aarhus University, Södertörn University, University of Helsinki, University of Iceland and University of Oslo.
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Requirements regarding workshops
1. The participants should preferably represent at least two universities within the ReNEW hub
2. The purpose of the workshop shall be stated (explore new research ideas, develop joint publications, research applications or involvement of stakeholders/public outreach)
3. The workshop shall pave the way for and encourage collaborative relationships and must be of academic relevance to ReNEW (cf. the cooperation plan) and preferrably deal with topics related to one or more of research themes of ReNEW
4. The workshop shall be carried out in 2019-2020
5. Own contribution to funding workshop is appreciated
6. ReNEW seeks to establish international partnerships and we encourage to include plans to involve scholars from our partners outside of the ReNEW hub
7. A call for workshop or a presentation of it is to be published at ReNEW website. Organizers are requested to submit workshop programme for publication on the ReNEW website four weeks ahead of the workshop and the final version in connection with the workshop.
8. ReNEW funding should be acknowledged on workshop call and programme and any resulted products.
9. Organisers are asked to inform workshop presenters and participants about (the ReNEW website for research dissemination and public outreach) and encourage them to contribute within a specified time limit.
After you have completed the form add the required attachments listed below as PDF files. Upload the attachments by continuing to Proceed and pressing Submit. Follow the instructions on the next page. Please note that after the final submission you will no longer be able to do any changes to the data.
Required attachments:
1. CV
2. Project outline containing the following information:
- the purpose of the workshop- planned time and place of the workshop- is it an open call workshop or by invitation only?- how do you plan to announce it- in what way does this workshop contribute to ReNEW?- in what way do you intend to be involved in future ReNEW events?- specify if there is any planned involvement of stakeholders or outreach activity- preliminary program
3. List of participants: names, universities and email addresses
4. Detailed budget: travel, accommodation, meals, other
If you have problems with the electronic form please, contact coordinator Heidi Haggrén,, +358 2941 24326.