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ReNEW Early Career Mobility Funding
Application is addressed to Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World (ReNEW): An Excellence Hub in Research Education and Public Outreach
Participating universities: Aarhus University, Copenhagen Business School, Södertörn University, University of Helsinki, university of Iceland and University of Oslo.
Early Career Mobility funding is targeted at PhD Students and post-doctoral researchers.
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After you have completed the form add the required attachments as PDF files. Upload the attachments by continuing to Proceed and pressing Submit. Follow the instructions on the next page. Please note that after the final submission you will no longer be able to do any changes to the data.
Required attachments:
1) CV
2) Work plan including a) your planned research work during the research stay, including purpose, aims and expected results and; b) other possible academic work you intend to engage with, including teaching, seminar participation, publication projects, application planning and other network activities.
3) Detailed budget: Travel, accommodation and other costs incurred by the visit. Please note the university specific travel guidelines for compensated costs.
4) Invitation letter
If you have problems with the electronic form please, contact coordinator Heidi Haggrén,, +358 2941 24326.