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Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics
The doctoral education at the University of Helsinki is provided by the doctoral school that crosses faculty borders. Doctoral candidates are enrolled in one doctoral programme, and earn their degree from one faculty participating in the programme.
Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (Domast) offers PhD thesis topics and high-quality supervision in several areas of mathematics. These areas include analysis, inverse problems, mathematical biology, mathematical physics, mathematical logic and statistics.
The Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (Domast) invites
in order to bring together excellent doctoral researchers from outside the network of Domast and doctoral supervisors within Domast. Through this contact the best students will have significant advantage for future calls for funded doctoral researcher positions, as well as for other funding opportunities appearing within Domast network. This call is intended for those who do not yet have a supervisor at the University of Helsinki.
Note: the contact possibly made or the mutual interest possibly gained with the Letters of intent does not guarantee the right to pursue doctoral degree in Domast or to work at the University of Helsinki.
Submitters of a Letter of intent are expected to:
- have completed their master degree studies before 31.12.2025
- review carefully the instructions for filling this form (below), and the information available in Call for letters on intent Domast 2025 (pdf).
Instructions for preparing the online form:
1. Please complete the form in English.
2. CV, motivation letter and degree certificate (including transcript of records) should be submitted as one PDF-file in the attachments. Publication list can be included, if applicable.
3. Be sure to not exceed the maximum number of characters allowed and avoid any special characters on this form.
4. In the case that multiple forms are received from one person, the latest submission is considered the final submission. All other submissions will be discarded without being reviewed.
5. The student submitting a Letter of intent should ask a recommendation from at least one reference, preferably their current or previous supervisor/professor. If the reference indicated in this form does not send a recommendation in time, the Letter of intent will be ignored. Only recommendations from references named in this form will be accepted. The recommendations should be sent to within two weeks of submitting the application.
6. The data entered in this form will be saved in Domast until 31.12.2025, in order to be able to contact the student in case of suitable funding. The data is not distributed outside of Domast.
After submitting the application
Once you have submitted your application and the doctoral programme has received your recommendation letter(s), you will get a notification if your application will move forward to our supervisors by the end of May 2025.
Contact information
If you have any questions about doctoral training in the Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics or this application, please contact the doctoral programme at
General information on doctoral studies at the University of Helsinki
At the University of Helsinki the right to pursue doctoral studies and having funding for the studies are two separate things.
The admission to pursue doctoral studies is given by the faculties of the University of Helsinki. The doctoral programmes recommend the admission of the best applicants to the faculties and are responsible for the doctoral education. The doctoral studies are designed to take four years. The admission to pursue doctoral studies does not imply funding.
Funding for a doctoral candidate may come from various sources, from the university, various projects and foundations. The main duties of a doctoral researcher funded by the University of Helsinki are to work on their own doctoral research and to complete postgraduate courses (minimum of 30 ECTS). The duties also include some teaching and other tasks.
Notice, that you must complete your master's degree (or equivalent) before you can be accepted to start your doctoral studies at the University of Helsinki. However, a contact with a prospective supervisor can be made already before that.
Master's degree
Anticipated master's degree
Note: your Master's degree/thesis supervisor, should confirm the current status of your Master's studies in their reference letter
Licentiate's degree
It is recommended that the (first) reference is the supervisor of your Master thesis/studies, or other supervisor/professor who has experience of your working skills.
The reference listed below will be sent an email request to send their recommendation to within two weeks of the submission of the application. If this is not done, your application will be cancelled.
If you wish you can add additional references, by checking the box below.
The indicated reference(s) may be contacted for more information on your skills.
As you have not yet completed your Master's degree, the (first) reference below must be the supervisor of your Master thesis/studies.
In order to have an effect on the review of the student's letter of intent, additional reference should send the recommendation to within two weeks of submitting the application.
NOTE! Additional supervisors are not automatically informed, but the submitter of the Letter of Intent is responsible for forwarding this information to them.
Please carefully review your information above before completing the online signature and clicking the Submit button.
By typing my full name and the date below and submitting this form, I affirm that I have read and understood the instructions and that all of the information I provided in this form as well as the PDF files attached is complete, accurate, and my own work. I understand that withholding information requested, giving false information, or presenting someone else’s work as my own will cancel the consideration of this letter of intent.
All the attached documents need to be provided in one pdf that you will be asked to upload after you have submitted the application.
Compulsory attachments:
If your form is complete and you are ready to submit the data, please fill in the online signature and click "Submit" below.
NOTE: after clicking "Submit" and browsing your attachment as asked, the attachment is submitted immediately after you have clicked "Upload file". Thus, make sure the attachment is the correct one before clicking "Upload file".
If your form is not complete, you can save the partially completed form and continue later by providing your email address in the PARTIAL SUBMISSION section below. You will receive a link to the email address provided. IMPORTANT: the link is valid only one time. If you wish to continue with the form a second time, you must provide your email address again and use a newly generated link. The link is the only way to re-access your form. If you lose the link you will need to re-enter each field in the form.