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By filling in this form the responsible professor makes a proposal for opponent, custos and faculty representative. Proposal for the grade is made by two persons entitled to vote: if the custos has supervised the dissertation, he or she will have the right to speak but not to vote. Custos has to be professor, associate professor (2nd stage of the tenure track) or docent who has an employment the faculty. The opponent can have no relationship with the doctoral candidate, the doctoral dissertation or another party involved that may compromise his or her impartiality. Consequently, the following persons cannot serve as an opponent: - A person, who has co-authored at least one of the articles in the doctoral dissertation or who is currently engaged in research cooperation with the doctoral candidate or was engaged in such research cooperation during the dissertation project - A person who has been engaged in close research cooperation with the dissertation supervisor during the three years prior to the preliminary examination of the doctoral dissertation - A close relative of the doctoral candidate or the immediate superior or subordinate of the doctoral candidate or the supervisor - A member of the thesis committee NOTE! We have simplified the sending process. No print-outs and signatures are required. The responsible professor and the student will be asked by e-mail to confirm the submission. You may also send the attachments by email to You may continue submitting your information later by filling in the details under Partial submission
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