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University of Helsinki proudly presents INAR Climate festival, full day of events on Atmospheric and Earth System Research in Think Corner (Yliopistonkatu 4) Friday 25th of May 2018.
All events are open for everyone, but morning coffee&porridge in the living science library, sparkling wine in the Opening ceremony of INAR - Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research and afterwork glass of wine will be available only for those who have registered by 22th May. Even after that you can register and are welcome to the event!
Opening ceremony speakers include chair of Board of the University of Helsinki, president Tarja Halonen, Director of INAR institute Academician Markku Kulmala. The events are filled with exiting presentations of INAR students and researchers aa well as their collaborators in science and arts! Come alone or with a friend to enjoy INAR science and to experience the open Climate Festival.
More information at the INAR Climate Festival webpage or from
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