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You are applying for specialisation education in industrial pharmacy (post-graduate programme for pharmacists, both M. Sc. and B. Sc. Pharm.), organised by the University of Helsinki. Education is subject to a fee. Please note that the right to study does not guarantee the right of residence in Finland.
From the drop-down menu, select the specialisation programme for which you are applying.
Please provide information about the qualification you hold. Applicants must have a Finnish Bachelor or Master of Science (Pharmacy) degree, or a degree corresponding to one of these completed abroad. Make sure you include a copy of your diploma with your application.
Please provide information about your work experience. Applicants must have at least one year of work experience in positions relevant to the field in the pharmaceutical industry or in official activities related to the pharmaceutical industry either in Finland or abroad. Remember to include the certificate(s) with your application.
Please provide information about place of employment at the beginning of the programme. At the beginning of the programme, students must be employed in positions relevant to the field in the pharmaceutical industry or in official activities related to the pharmaceutical industry either in Finland or abroad. Remember to include the certificate with your application.
You can declare your potential qualifications for admissions scoring here. Applicants are expected to carefully calculate the exact score for their relevant qualifications in their application. For more detailed scoring criteria and instructions on how to calculate your points, see the application guidelines. The points are checked on the basis of the information given. All information presented for scoring must be proven with certificates. The attachments to be submitted with the application include (for example) a list of publications as well as certificates of education and training and employment issued by the responsible parties. Please note: Eligible applicants can take part in the application procedure even if they lack qualifications that make them eligible for specific points.
Please read the University of Helsinki data protection policy.
Before saving information on this page, please check that all the information you have provided is correct. Clicking on "Continue to send attachments" will allow you to add attachments to your application.