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We cannot handle pathogenic, infectious or toxic samples.
Other security risks to be considered?
If possible please give estimate particle concentration for faster measurement.
Note our recommendations for sample preparation:
1. All samples: When possible, process and store samples according to the recommendations of the latest MISEV. Minimally, we recommend removal of cells (including platelets) and other larger non-EV bodies before freezing at -80C.
2. Samples for EV isolation: Consult the EV Core staff for sample types and required starting volumes for your chosen downstream method.
3. Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and Apogee micro flow cytometry:
A. Use filtered (0.1-0.2 µm) buffer and protein LoBind tubes for EV storage.
B. Aim at a high initial EV concentration and aliquot your sample to avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
C. For freezing, use -80C and deliver samples on dry ice to the EV Core.
For Zetaview NTA: By default three individual dilutions are prepared per sample. Each dilution is injected separately and measured with three measurement cycles. If this is not feasible for your samples, please contact EV Core for more information.
General project info
Pia Siljander
Lab personnel
Helin Veskiväli