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7.-15.03. 2022
Please notice that this form is for doctoral students that want to earn 1 ECTS only!
Everyone else please register via:
To earn ECTS you need to:*Attend all lectures (Monday 7th March 9-12 and Tuesday 8th March 9-12.30)*Attend 3 workshops (3-4h each)
Motivation and Previous experience
The number of participants for the hands-on workshops is limited. Participants will be selected based on their motivation letter. Please explain shortly why it would be important for you to participate in the practical training (max. 1600 characters, including spaces). Please, write your motivation in English.
Select your hands-on workshops
Please check the content of the hands-on workshops here:
A message of the acceptance to the practical training will be sent to your email.
As we have a limited amount of seats for each training we might not be able to fulfil all your wishes.
Please choose on additional hands-on workshop as alternative in case we can't place you in the three workshops you selected above. In case you don't choose any alternative we might place you in any workshop.
In case of available seats, you have the opportunity to participate in further hands-on workshops if you like.