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When: Fridays at 10-15 over the coming academic year (Oct 8, Nov 5; Dec 12; Feb 4, March 4 and April 8. Possible study trip to Brussels May 11-14.2022
Where: HSSH office, Vuorikatu 3, 2nd floor
For whom: Post doc researchers from the faculties of Arts, Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Law, Theology and the Swedish School of Social Sciences and insitutes and research centers located at City Centre Campus.
Organiser: HSSH
Deadline for applications: August 20, 2021, 15:00
Please apply for the course by filling in this e-form.
Please attach one pdf-document, which includes the following items:
• short CV• list of 5 of your recent publications• (one page) abstract of your ongoing research project• short application letter, letting us know what kind of questions and challenges you think you need support and help with
Adding the attachment: After submitting the form (by using the Submit button in the “Proceed” –section), you will be directed to another page where the attachment can be uploaded to the system.