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According to Section 89 of the Universities Act (558/2009), a person may be granted the title of docent upon application. According to Section 52 of the University of Helsinki Regulations, the University may grant the title of docent to a person who has comprehensive knowledge of his or her own field, a capacity for independent research or artistic work as demonstrated through publication or some other manner, and good teaching skills. The docent may participate in the teaching of his or her discipline, the supervision of students and theses as well as other University activities in a way to be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.
When evaluating the independence of a scholarly career, relevant information would be, for example, own research group, independence of research line from doctoral and postdoctoral supervisors, authorship in publications (senior/last and corresponding authorships), research funding for independent research, PhD supervisor duties (verifiable in documents of doctoral program), and other duties as independent academic expert or evaluator.
Docent is required to have good teaching skills and in evaluating this the Faculty uses to following teaching skills evaluation matrix
Describe briefly:
1. Your teaching and supervision experience, including the teaching and the assessment methods you have used.2. Your pedagogical training and thinking.3. The learning material you have produced.4. Other teaching merits, for example activities in degree programs or in development of teaching.